

Allegiant Airline Flights from Los Angeles to St. Cloud Regional Airport

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Get low fares with just one call

Breeze Flights from LAX to St. Cloud

Call now for secret, and unpublished deals.

Allegiant Airline Flights from Los Angeles to St. Cloud Regional Airport
Allegiant Airline Flights from Los Angeles to St. Cloud Regional Airport


Call us anytime, day or night - our agents are always available to answer your call. Experience zero wait time, so don't hesitate to reach out to us now.


Discover exclusive flight deals sourced from a vast network of airlines, all diligently curated for your convenience.

Flexible Travel Options

Flexibility is key when it comes to travel plans. That's why we offer convenient options to accommodate any changes you may have.

Ready for unforgettable journeys that won't break the bank? Get set to go!

Discover top-notch quality and unparalleled comfort at unbeatable prices! Explore our extensive range of reasonably priced Breeze Airways tickets that cater to all your travel desires.

Allegiant Airline Flights from Los Angeles to St. Cloud Regional Airport

Peter J.

Lovely online experience. User friendly interface, quick confirmation. Really makes booking trips a breeze!

Allegiant Airline Flights from Los Angeles to St. Cloud Regional Airport

Samantha M.

Booked over the phone. Representative was polite, patient, and accommodating. Had my flights sorted in no time!

Top tips for flying out of LAX on Breeze Airways to St. Cloud

 Popular Accommodations in St. Cloud, Minnesota


Where architecture meets weather! Enjoy the charm of a robust, elaborately-brick hotel designed to outlast the unpredictable midwestern tornadoes. Secure? Yes. Comfortable? Not too shabby.


Because who doesn't want to sleep in a former mental institution turned hostel? Unique and dripping with 'charm', you'll marvel at the peculiar designs meant to soothe the long-gone residents.


Wake up to the calls of birds, ducks, geese, squirrels and whatever weird creatures inhabit Minnesota. Essentially, wildlife in HD. The views are the stuff of postcards and allergies alike.


Minimalist to the point of borderline uncomfortable. With no Wi-Fi and one hard bed, it's just you, the hotel room and a night of tortured self-reflection. Some call it 'mindfulness'.


Who needs plumbing when you have the mighty Mississippi mere feet away! Comfortable beds, rustic ambiance, and friendly squirrels included. Running water? Not so much.


Rest under the most exquisite 1980's ceiling mirrors, accompanied by the soothing hum of tube televisions. Breakfast served with all the love and cholesterol of a homestyle Midwestern meal.

FAQs for booking flights from Los Angeles (LAX) to St. Cloud on Breeze Airlines

Why would I possibly choose FlyCrave over other, more 'established' booking sites?
Oh you charming cynic, you! Truth beans: FlyCrave isn't your run-of-the-mill ticket booking site. We're more like that crockpot of Grandma's secret recipe that's been simmering all day... Ah, the taste of quality! We offer you personalized service armed with advanced technology, deep research skills, and years of experience in airline hustle-bustle to make sure you, our valued customer, get the best possible deal. So forget that bland, microwaved instant fare and nestle into FlyCrave's flavorful embrace.
Isn't booking a flight just a Google click away? Why bother with a phone booking?

Shoot, give Google another click and we might just find Bigfoot. But with a pot of magic like FlyCrave at your disposal, why gamble? We combine the ease and efficiency of online services with that old-fashioned human touch. Give our hotline a ring, and let's talk. Not just about the best deals that you obviously crave, but also about travel tips, luggage solutions, and in-flight snacks. Let's make your journey from LAX to St. Cloud as smooth as that butter you spread on a warm, crunchy toast.

Won't Breeze airlines take me to St. Cloud directly? Why do I need FlyCrave then?
Well, sure, Breeze might fly you straight through. But if you've ever played the arcade game 'Whack-A-Mole', you'll know that the easy way isn't always the best way! Breeze is excellent, no doubt about it. But at FlyCrave, we might find you a better price on a different airline or a convenient layover where you can sample the best pretzels in the country. Heck, with us, even the clouds you'll be breezing through might just be fluffier!
Is FlyCrave actually that good with handling my personal information?
If we say we're as protective as a mama bear with her cubs, would that calm your nerves? Every morsel of your data is sealed up tighter than a squirrel's nut hoard in winter. You are our priority, and believe us, we play no games when it comes to our customers' security. LAX to MN or across the globe, we’ve got your back just like the Bat-signal lighting up Gotham's night sky!
Isn't FlyCrave just another profiteering leech feeding off my travel needs?
Ah, the sweet cynicism of a discerning customer! It’s a tad bit dramatic to think of us as leeches. We like to think of ourselves more as fun-loving travel enthusiasts with a knack for finding the best deals. If finding the perfect ticket for your LAX-MN trip, amidst our belly laughs and comic zingers, brings us a bit of profit, then it just adds to our joy! Trust us - you're living out your jet-setter dreams with us without breaking the bank.
Do I have to know all the details of my trip before I contact FlyCrave?
Oh, please! This isn't an inquisition - just a friendly chat. You just relax and bring us whatever you got. We'll pick those travel threads, untangle them, and weave them into a seamless flying carpet. Whether you have a specific date or airline in mind or if you're just testing the water - we're here to help. You being comfortable is our primary focus, even if it means hunting for options more fiercely than a hawk diving for its lunch!
Do I get a discount if I book my ticket from FlyCrave?
Well, we could roll out a cavern of fortune cookies and let luck decide, but that's not how we roll! Our advanced research skills and industry knowledge let us find you the best deals. Sometimes, that means discounts so deep, it's like diving for pearls at the bottom of the sea! The ocean of flight pricing is brimming with tricks and turns, and we're your seasoned captains navigating those potentially stormy waters.

Flying on Breeze Airways from LAX to St. Cloud

Alright everyone, lean in. I'm going to share a little secret with you, there's a magical airstrip named Breeze, offering flights from LAX to the hidden realm of St. Cloud. No, it's not in Narnia. This is reality, and I am going to guide you through your journey there with a few jokes just to keep the Breeze, well... breezy.

Now, "airfare" might bring to mind dollar signs ringing up like a slot machine in Vegas. But never fear! Breeze doesn't believe in making you mortgage your house for a trip. Their cheap flights are more Robin Hood than Wall Street, taking from the rich conglomerates and giving to you, the budget-conscious traveller.

Direct flights are the unicorns of air travel; wonderful, rare, and sometimes, just a myth. But you're in luck dear reader, Breeze offers direct, no layover, non-stop flights from LAX to St. Cloud. That's right, they have tamed the unicorn.

There are, unfortunately, rumors of Breeze often serving round-trip tickets with a side of Red-eye flights. But come on, these flights are so cheap, and you're almost guaranteed to spot a unicorn. A one-eyed, sleep-deprived unicorn.

Traveling for business? Breeze has got you covered there too, they've got a business class that rivals the first-class. It's the Queen's suite of mid-air travel, minus the royal corgis but complete with leg room that can accommodate an NBA player comfortably.

Yes, there's also an economy class, but it's as premium as “premium economy” gets. I mean, there's a reason why Frank Sinatra said "come fly with me," and not "come squish yourself into a 2x2 foot space for a few hours." With Breeze, you'll be crooning along with Ol' Blue Eyes in no time.

Breeze is also a peach when it comes to baggage allowance. They allow two bags, or as I like to call it, "the shopaholic allowance." It's perfect for those travelers who end up buying half the city they visit. I see you, with that extra suitcase full of snowglobes, don't try to hide.

If frequent flyer miles are your thing, Breeze's mileage program is the golden goose. You collect points faster than the Flash making a Starbucks run. Seriously, by your third flight, you'll have enough to charter a rocket to Mars. I hear the views are literally out of this world.

The best time to book is ASAP. Like right now. Stop reading, start booking! Though, do check out their flight schedule and be aware of their flight cancellation policy. It's as soothing as a lullaby, they won't leave you stranded.

Last, but not least, are the in-flight services. Now, I won't spill all the tea, but I assure you it's better than afternoon tea at Downton Abbey, and given by crew members who could outshine any Disney princess in kindness and service.

There you have it folks, a one-way ticket to the Breeze experience from LAX to St. Cloud. A journey that answers the ever-mystifying question- why did the chicken cross the road? Clearly, because it had a one-way ticket from Breeze!

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